Applications Closed
From October 1, 2020, through December 10, 2020, the Texas Trustee agencies (GLO, TPWD, and TCEQ) accepted restoration project ideas that will address injuries caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to consider in their next restoration plan. Submissions are no longer being accepted.
Deepwater Horizon Project Tracker
The Deepwater Horizon Project Tracker allows you to access a map and information of the restoration, research and recovery projects resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Prepared by the Gulf of Mexico Alliance, the Deepwater Horizon Project Tracker provides project location points and project summaries.
Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (NFWF)
Learn about restoration funded by the criminal case settlements from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Where the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is working with state and federal agencies to administer spill restoration.
Government Trustees Restoring the Gulf (NRDA)
Learn about the state and federal Natural Resource Trustees and the efforts underway to restore the resources harmed by the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill through the Oil Pollution Act's natural resource damage process.
Civil Penalties Funding Gulf Restoration (RESTORE Act)
Learn about the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, set up when Congress passed the federal RESTORE Act in 2012, to administer civil penalty funding for spill restoration and economic recovery and the Texas RESTORE Advisory Board (TxRAB).